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Alcohol & Oral Health


Here are a few examples of how alcohol can have a negative impact your oral health – 

  1. Tooth decay – Many alcoholic beverages contain a lot of sugar which increases the risk of tooth decay.
  2. Mouth dryness ā€“ Saliva helps to protect the teeth but when we are dehydrated our bodies produce less. This can cause mouth dryness which, in turn, puts our teeth at a higher risk of developing tooth decay.
  3. Tooth erosion ā€“ Most alcoholic beverages are quite acidic or are mixed with something acidic. Frequent consumption coats the teeth which can cause the acids to dissolve away the tooths structure.
  4. Vomiting & acid reflux ā€“ Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol can lead to vomiting and/or acid reflux, if this becomes a regular occurrence the teeth become susceptible to tooth erosion due to stomach acids regularly coating the teeth.
  5. Oral cancer ā€“ Long term consumption of alcohol puts you at a higher risk of developing oral cancer. Research shows people who drink alcohol long term are six times more likely to develop oral cancer than people who donā€™t. To reduce the risk of cancers, the Australian Government alcohol guidelines recommended to consume no more than 10 standard drinks in a week.
  6. Tooth staining ā€“ Red wine can cause staining overtime.
  7. Dental trauma ā€“ Those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are at a higher risk of damaging their teeth.

To best care for your teeth when drinking alcohol, we recommend drinking water between drinks. If you suffer from acid reflux and/or vomiting, rinse your mouth with water afterwards and then avoid brushing your teeth for the next 30minutes. You may use a fluoride mouthwash or chew sugar-free gum while you wait to brush.

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