What You Need to Know About Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)

The Australian Government introduced a scheme to improve the dental health of eligible children (aged 2 to 17 years) through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). Eligible children can access $1,013 in Government benefits on selective services over a two year period.

CDBS Overview

Persons eligible

CDBS will be available to children aged between 2 and 17 years of age. They must be eligible for Medicare and the family must be in receipt of Tax Benefit Part A or receive one of the following Government payments:
Eligible families will receive written notice from the Australian Government. Your Dentist will check eligibility before the commencement of any treatment.
Children who are eligible for the CDBS at any time during a calendar year are eligible for that entire calendar year.
If your child is turning 2 or 18 throughout the year they will still be eligible for the CDBS for that full year. Children need only be between 2 and 17 at some point throughout the entire year.
The child will still be eligible for the CDBS even if Government payments cease throughout the year, as the child only needs to be eligible at some point throughout the year.
The Government will check throughout the year to determine newly eligible children, however, most families will be advised at the start of each year.

What is Covered

Not all dental services are covered by the CDBS. Benefits covered include, subject to certain restrictions:
High end dental services such as orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry are excluded.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule FAQs

Our friendly front desk team is more than happy to answer any questions you may have. For quick reference, here are the answers to some questions about CDBS that we get asked often:
Yes, your dentist will check patient eligibility by contacting the Department of Human Services.
Your Dentist is required to check your child’s remaining benefits balance on each occasion the child attends for treatment. Balance details are available from the Department of Human Services.
Eligible children have $1,013 to use on dental treatment over 2 years. The 2 year period commences at the start of the calendar year, not from the first appointment date.
Yes, eligible children can use their full benefits within the first year if required.
If the full $1,013 is not used within the two calendar year period, remaining benefits cannot be used in the future.
The $1,013 benefit limit applies for each consecutive 2 calendar year period. Once a child has reached the benefit limit for those 2 years, no further benefits are available under the CDBS.
The benefit limit is $1,013 each 2 years. Where additional treatment is required within the 2 years, private arrangements will need to be made between the parents and the Dentist unless the family has dental cover with their health fund.
The Government has placed some limits on the number of dental services which can be provided to eligible children in given periods. Your Dentist will be able to advise you as to whether these limits will affect you.
No, patients with private health insurance are unable to claim benefits from both their health fund and the CDBS for the same treatment.
Yes, private health insurance can be used for additional treatment not covered by CDBS.

All Dentists at The Happy Tooth will bulk bill for treatment to which the child is entitled under the CDBS. Benefits for some services have restrictions, in addition the Schedule covers only a limited range of services. You will need to personally meet the cost of any services not covered by the Schedule. You will be provided with an estimate of any charges, including out of pocket expenses, prior to the treatment occurring.

The cost of treatment provided reduces the available benefit under the cap. Where the cap ($1,013 each 2 calendar year period) has been exhausted, you will need to personally meet the cost of any additional dental services.

The Happy Tooth Singleton