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What is a Tongue tie?

A tongue-tie is when the fold of soft tissue that joins under the togue to the base of the mouth, known as the lingual frenum, is visually tight. This causes restricted movement of the tongue which can lead to difficulties such as – issues with latching when breastfeeding & potential issues with speech. Tongue-tie is…

Understanding Tooth Anatomy

 Let’s take a dive into the anatomy of a tooth! To get a better understanding of which teeth are which, head over to one of our previous blog posts that breaks down the different types of teeth –

Understanding the Different Types of Human Teeth

There are three different types of teeth in a child’s mouth and four in adults, both have incisors, canines and molars, but only adults have premolars. The first adult molars grow behind the baby molar, typically around the ages 6-7 and as the mouth grows, the second molar comes in around the ages 10-12. The…

Cigarettes & Oral Health

We all know that smoking cigarettes can cause a multitude of health issues but what are the effects it can have in the mouth? Smoking can cause: The best way you can improve your health is to quit smoking, some other good oral habits are: Vaping is also not the healthier option in regards to…

Oral Piercings & Oral Health

Having an oral piercing, such as tongue or lip, can have a negative impact on the health of your teeth and gums. The constant knocking of the piercing against the teeth can, over time, cause the teeth to break, it can also cause the gums to recede. This then makes the affected teeth and/or gums…

Congratulations, Lily!

Congratulations to one of our lovely Dental Assistants, Lily, for completing her Cert IV in Dental Assisting!

The Happy Tooth Singleton